The preparation of the production of each faucet starts by preparing the main body. There are two ways of producing the main body, casting, where brass is poured into a mold, or machining of raw brass material. While the end result is similar, each time a decision is made whether to cast, depending on the model. contact form
Polishing is an important part of the production, a good polishing gives the product is silky finish, free from brush line, while plating gives it the chrome colour and the protection for many years to come. During the plating process, the products receive few different layers or metals such as Copper, Nickle and Chrome. contact form
The final stage of the production is assembling different parts to make the complete products, while this sounds like an easy task, this is an important part of the production process as every move reflects of the quality. Each product goes through few testing steps, finishing quality control, water leak tests, underwater air tests and high pressure harness tests. contact form
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